Books For Adult Clients:
Things Might Go Terribly, Horribly Wrong: A Guide to Life Liberated from Anxiety by Kelly G. Wilson
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David Burns
Brain Lock: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior by Jeffrey M. Schwartz
Daring to Challenge OCD by Joan Davidson
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies CBT Self-Help Book Recommendations
Books for Kids and Teens:
Stuff That Sucks by Ben Sedley
What to do when you worry too much: A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety by Dawn Huebner and Bonnie Matthews
Books for Parents of Anxious Children:
Helping Your Anxious Child by Ron Rapee
You and Your Anxious Child by Ann Marie Albano
Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents by Reid Wilson & Lynn Lyons
Freeing Your Child from Anxiety by Tamar Chansky
Books IN Spanish:
Una vida valiosa: Los procesos de la terapia de aceptación y compromiso by Manuela O'Connell
Books For Mental Health Professionals:
Star Wars Psychology: Dark Side of the Mind
The Walking Dead Psychology: Psych of the Living Dead
Game of Thrones Psychology: The Mind is Dark and Full of Terrors
Captain America vs. Iron Man: Freedom, Security, Psychology
Doctor Who Psychology: A Madman with a Box
Wonder Woman Psychology: Lassoing the Truth
Star Trek Psychology: The Mental Frontier